▶ 2025 Work Plan Announced
▶ “Efforts to Improve Dual Nationality System, Expand Next-Generation Invitation Programs, and Gather Opinions Through Seminars and Meetings”
The Overseas Koreans Agency of South Korea has announced plans to expand support for next-generation Koreans, improve the dual nationality system, and enhance online civil services, including a significant increase in the budget for Korean language schools. These initiatives are expected to have a tangible impact on Korean communities in the U.S. and beyond.
On the 11th (Korean time), Lee Sang-deok, the head of the Overseas Koreans Agency, unveiled the “2025 Work Plan,” outlining five key tasks: ▲Strengthening the identity of overseas Koreans ▲Enhancing protection and support for overseas Koreans in line with national prestige ▲Establishing a robust overseas Koreans policy framework ▲Activating Korean networks ▲Improving convenience for overseas Koreans’ daily lives.
According to the announcement, the agency will expand the budget for Korean language schools as part of efforts to strengthen the identity of next-generation Koreans. The 2025 budget for Korean language schools is set at 18.6 billion KRW, a 32% increase from the 14.1 billion KRW allocated in 2023. There are approximately 1,400 Korean language schools worldwide, with a significant number located in the U.S. For example, the LA Korean Education Center oversees around 170 schools in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada as of last year.
Additionally, the agency will expand its invitation program for next-generation Koreans to visit their ancestral homeland. The number of participants in this program will increase by 23%, from 2,100 last year to 2,600 this year. The agency will also continue its six-month internship program for young overseas Koreans (aged 20–34) at overseas diplomatic missions and establish a new “Global Next-Generation Overseas Koreans Committee” (tentative name) to discuss overseas Koreans’ policies.
The work plan also addresses improvements to the dual nationality system. The agency will work to lower the age limit for dual nationality eligibility and raise awareness about the contributions of overseas Koreans by selecting a “Overseas Korean of the Month” each month. Furthermore, it will actively promote nationality and military service systems to minimize disadvantages faced by those with dual nationality from birth. The agency also plans to host the 2025 Global Korean Adoptees Convention and establish a dedicated support center for adoptees.
Regarding civil services, the agency will support overseas Koreans in using e-government and online services in Korea through non-face-to-face identity verification via the Overseas Koreans Certification Center. It will also provide video consular services, mobile apostille services, and civil services at Incheon Airport. Additionally, the agency will push for amendments to the Overseas Koreans Registration Act to simplify document submission requirements.
The agency also plans to revise the Overseas Koreans Basic Act to realign the name and functions of its affiliated organization, the Overseas Koreans Cooperation Center, with its original purpose.
To strengthen communication between the government and overseas Korean communities, the agency will operate a 24-hour “Overseas Koreans TV” (tentative name), hold regular meetings with overseas Korean communities, and conduct policy research and seminars to address regional and sector-specific issues.
Director Lee emphasized, “As K-culture and the Korean Wave spread globally, it is the mission of the Overseas Koreans Agency to join hands with overseas Korean communities, who are growing economically and gaining political influence worldwide, to secure the future growth engine of South Korea.”
On the same day, Director Lee also announced plans to conduct a survey on 860,000 returned overseas Koreans and stateless Koryo-saram (ethnic Koreans) who have not been accounted for since 2007, aiming to provide tailored support policies for these previously overlooked groups.
<Hyung-Seok Han>
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